Meeting in These Tough Times

Virtual Meetings have become common place over the past year. They include everything from very basic meetings to working with technology professions to create an interactive and informative event. Trade shows, too, have gone virtual with success in many cases. The technology is one thing, creating the ability to produce the interactive experience but as a planner, you still have to create a format and content that is beneficial for the potential attendees. I will talk about that another time but I am curious about your thoughts on where the virtual or hybrid meeting is going. Once we are able to meet in person again, and I do believe that day will come, although I can’t say when, will you continue with the virtual or hybrid meeting format? Here are some questions I would love to hear your thoughts on.

  1. Do you believe your organization will continue to hold virtual or hybrid meeting? If yes, which type and why?

  2. What do you see as benefits of the virtual or hybrid meeting - for the organization - for the attendee?

  3. What do you feel are the drawback to the virtual or hybrid meeting?

  4. Do you feel there are different pros and cons between the two (virtual and hybrid)?

  5. Alternatively, do you believe your organization or company will return to in person format? If so, again, why?

  6. What are the pros and cons between strictly in person meeting and the virtual/hybrid ones?

  7. What do you think is the future for event facilities? And how can they maximize their options and services to maximize usability and revenue?

That is enough for now. Please respond and we can go from there based on your thoughts.

Have a good day and stay safe!