A Bit About Me

A bit about who I am… I have been involved in meeting management for what feels like forever!

Until May, 2017 I was the Director, Conference and Events for the Canadian Society of Association Executives, joining this organization in February 2008. That required a move from Ottawa (my home town) to Toronto.  The job itself is a lot of fun because for years I was a member of this association … funny how things work out!

I transitioned out of CSAE at the end of May and am taking a little time before I dive into something new.  I promised the Association 5 years and gave them over 9 so I figure that is fair.  Before I left I did manage to finalize the education program content for St. John's in October, 2017  and secure the majority of sponsors for that conference as well, so I feel good about that.  Now come September, I hope there will be some contract work in either meeting management or education (my other love).

Prior to this I was Director of Operations with PRIME Strategies, a Meetings, Trade Show and Incentive Management Company working with incentive, corporate and government.  And before that, I worked for The Canadian Real Estate Association as their Meeting Planner for about 12 years. I started out my career with Tourism Ottawa with entry level work and then as convention services and housing coordinator. I am fortunate and have seen virtually every aspect of the meeting planning industry.

I earned my CMP certification (Certified Meeting Professional) in 1997 through the Convention Industry Council and continue to maintain that certification today, I completed my B.A. through distance education at the University of Waterloo.

I love teaching both in the classroom and on-line. Until a few years ago I facilitated on line in the Convention and Meeting Management Certificate Program through Algonquin College in Ottawa and Ontario Learn.  I also enjoy looking at situations and challenges and sorting out how to do them better… better ROI (Return on Investment)  .

I was a life time resident of Ottawa until the move to Toronto, but I do go home OFTEN! I also often can be found hanging out at my preferred haunts or lazing on the beach on my favorite island in the sun – Grenada, West Indies or looking for other exciting locales to explore!  I should also give an honorable mention to Malta, my second favorite island - also in the sun most of the year!