Audio Visual Overview

Audio visual materials are integrated into a program to enhance the message you are trying to convey

Prepared audio and visual material can be woven effectively into the very fabric of the meeting

Considerations to look for when setting up meeting rooms and have a direct impact on AV…

Seating Capacities

Your AV company will be available to assist and advise on the right type of equipment, size of screen and set up for rooms, but it never hurts to understand the basics.  You may not have selected an Audio Visual Company when you are negotiating and selecting space with the facility!

The Five Foot Principle:

The minimum distance from the floor to the bottom of the screen should be 5’ for best viewing. In other words get the visual up high enough so everyone in the audience can see

The Two by Eight Formula:

  • No one should be seated closer to the screen that two times the height of the screen nor further back that eight times the height of the screen
  • If you have a screen the is 9’ in height so the first row of seating should be 18 feet back and the last row 72 feet back
  • Any closer or any further back will make viewing less ideal for the attendee

Staging with Audio Visuals

  • Definition:  Laying out physical elements in a given space for a specific purpose
  • Create theatrical or mood lighting, lasers, programmed music, sound effects, projected images on walls, screens or set pieces – all this is extensions of the traditional use of standard AV
  • Create an enhanced learning environment
  • Staging or layout of the meeting room must be efficient, providing a simple forum that allows the presenter to get the point across
  • You must ensure proper placement of head tables, platforms and lectern, audio mics, projectors and screens
  • Presenters need to be able to see the AV material to cue from what is being displayed and they have to be able to do it without turning away from the microphone using a monitor or their laptop

AV Budget Management:

  • You have to keep close control over program costs, speaker requests, AV equipment and labour and the performance of the supplier as well as the meeting facility personnel
  • Because program content changes from year to year, you have to base budget on this year’s program not previous years estimates.
  • Costs vary from facility to facility depending on the arrangement the AV company has with the particular facility
  • Some destinations do not have a full supply of equipment and specialty equipment has to be flown in at additional costs
  • Review room rental as well – it is often beneficial to hold a room on a 24 hour basis instead of having to remove AV equipment and resetting for the next day
  • Check on delivery charges and other additional costs
  • Wireless remotes for projectors, video carts for TV monitors or projectors can be an additional cost – anticipate this
  • AV is labour intensive and set up and tear down charges will be added, rehearsal time will add labour costs, and a technician is often required on duty as a safety factor during the session(s)
  • Check hourly rates, minimum hours and what is considered overtime… these vary city to city and company to company
  • Check union laws in each city as well
  • AV Companies provide a number of additional services such as draping, staging and props/décor, lighting, etc
  • Video conferencing and web casting are also becoming more popular.  This is sometimes provided by an AV company or by a 3rd party supplier.
  • The recording of sessions – either audio recording or video recording can also be handled by your AV supplier
  • When providing a recording of a session there are some additional considerations
  • Audience and speakers must use the microphones or the sound will be lost on the recording
  • If the organization intends record a session, each speaker recorded must provide a release form allowing the recording of their presentation

While your AV supplier is an excellent resource and guide for your audio visual needs, you must provide clear concise instructions as to what you need in a room for your meeting presentations.