Attention to Detail, Detail, Detail!

Whether Meeting Planning and Management is your full time job or one of many functions you perform for your employer, attention to detail is your key to a successful meeting. Whether Meeting Planning is done for 30, 300 or 3,000, attention to detail is your key to a successful meeting.  No matter what aspect of the meeting you are working on… from assessing your potential attendee needs, budgeting, or the logistics of room set up, contract negotiations or speaker relations, attention to detail is the key to the success for that aspect in the meeting planning progress.

Meeting conceptualization, design, operational analysis and control all require your complete attention.

Your participants demand it:  Your organization demands it:  Your selected facility needs it:  Your suppliers need it.  You need it to ensure the meeting you are planning is a resounding success!

This website and blog is designed to assist the meeting planner/manager in every aspect of meeting management.  It is of specific interest for those reasonably new to the meeting management industry and those who do not normally run meetings as their full time job.

There is solid information you can use from start to finish.  There are tools and templates you can use to make some of your work easier.  There are tips and tricks to help you plan and execute your meeting or conference successfully.

Comments and questions are always welcome.  This site is for you to use, criticize, improve and share ideas and challenges whether you are on the planning side of the meeting management or the supplier side of the process.



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